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Tuesday, 4 May 2010

A Story By Lucy H....PART 4

Lola fidgeted as she stood waiting by the door of her colourfuly decorated classroom. She had arranged with Miss Harnold that they would have a chat at lunch time so that Miss Harnold would undersand why Lola was a bit grumpy. Just as Lola was going to go and look for her teacher, Miss Harnold came trotting down the brightly lit corridoor.
"Sorry I'm a bit late; I had a bit of a long conversation with Mrs Fornet from year two," she was almost singing in her jolly voice.
Soon Lola was blurting out the whole story in detail; she had a good relationship with most teachers. Miss Harnold sat listening, quite suprised by the Lola that was being described now. At the end of Lola's speech Miss Harnold thought for some silent seconds. After that she fumbled through her letter folder and produced a cream letter from it.