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... a blog for the childen, parents, friends and teachers of St John's to share and enjoy one another's work and experiences.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Barcelona adventures!

Hola ninos!
Miss Burley and I have arrived at our link school. It is the same school that Mr Ricketts visited last year. School started at 9:00 this morning and the children had a break at 11.30. They have two hours for lunch whilst the teachers plan and meet with each other. They then have lessons from 3:30-5:00!
We have been to some English classes today (the children speak Catalan, Spanish and English!). They were learning about the colours, names and habitats of animals. We´ve done this in Spanish!
We must send these children some photos of your work so they can see how clever you are!
Missing you lots,
Mrs Cole and Miss Burley xxxxx