Hi, it's us again, Nisha and Bethany and have we got news for you. Today's news is:
The Sky is Full of Areoplanes!!
Aeroplanes have started to land at UK airports for the first time in six days after strict restrictions caused by a huge volcanic ash cloud were lifted. Flight officials decided to let planes into British airspace again after reassessing the damage the ash can do. They said test flights over the past few days had shown planes can cope better than previously thought with small amounts of ash in the air. But its expected to take a long time for everything to get back to normal. The restrictions have left tens of thousands of Brits stranded abroad after the Easter holidays because their flights had to be cancelled. Many have been trying to find alternative routes home by car, ferry or train. Three Royal Navy ships and a massive cruise liner have also been sent to Spain and France to help get people home. But not everyone has been trying to get BACK to Britain. The Liverpool football team embarked on a 1,200-mile journey to Spain on Tuesday for Thursday's Europa League semi-final with Atletico Madrid. Like thousands of other people, the Reds had to abandon plans to fly direct to Spain. Instead they took a train to Paris on Tuesday, and are now hoping to get another train to Bordeaux before flying on to Madrid.
By the way this is the 100th post on the blog.
Hip hip hooray